Thursday, July 20, 2017
In NDPR, Sacha Golob reviews Chad Engelland's Heidegger's Shadow: Kant, Husserl and the Transcendental Turn.
Heidegger's later work remains transcendental in a very strong sense: as Engelland sees it, not only is later Heidegger engaged in an inquiry concerning the ultimate conditions of experience, that project is intelligible only if approached via the familiar transcendental framework offered in SZ, a story focused around a privileged subject-like entity. The result is that, as Heidegger himself poetically puts it, the early work is the step back necessary before the leap of the later writings (GA 65, p.305). This creates an enormously complex hermeneutic and pedagogical situation: Heidegger must 'either affirm transcendental philosophy and thereby distort his goal' -- since transcendental philosophy as standardly understood fails to push to the deeper level of questioning demanded -- or deny it 'and thereby occlude his point of departure'.
What is Heidegger's Shadow?: "the transcendental functions throughout Heidegger's career as the 'shadow' which he cannot jump over".
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